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Tired of always feeling stuck in your life?

Repeating the same self-sabotaging patterns over and over again?


Your trauma isn't your fault, but the healing required to create a new path in life is your responsibility. You're not alone in feeling frustrated and stuck, looking for a way to release!

As a society we have normalized stuffing our feelings and emotions down to the depths of our body, never to be seen again. Until one day, they've piled so high, you can't ignore the mountain that's become a volcano, ready to erupt at any moment!

Your body is the only physical vessel you're going to get in this lifetime, so it's important to keep it "clean"! A deep energetic cleanse will go much further than just dusting off some cob webs.

This event will have you wondering why you didn't do this sooner!

It’s Time to
Let Go Of The Old t
Let In The New

In a sacred space of community healing, you've found a safe place to dig deep and release the energy, thoughts, emotions, and limiting beliefs that are holding you back from having the life you dream about and feeling amazing in it!


Group Events

Take a deep breath and let go of old energies as we embark on a journey to cleanse your mind, body, and soul with the power of your breath! Through this guided breathwork session, you will release tension and welcome new opportunities for growth and transformation. This event is your chance to start fresh and embrace a new chapter in your life.

Whether this is your first breathwork experience or breathwork is part of your daily practice, all are welcome!

Come with an open mind and open heart to receive the transformation that’s waiting for you on the other side!

Take this time to make space for new beginnings and inner growth. Treat yourself to this empowering experience.

LIVE Virtual Events on Zoom

Join us for the next LIVE Virtual Breathwork Detox Event from the comfort of you own home (or office) to let go and let in. This is an opportunity to come together in community with like-minded individuals from all over the world!

We love seeing your bright and shining faces LIVE on Zoom, but if the timing doesn't work out with your schedule, know that you will also receive a 48 hr replay of the event to do on your own time if you choose.


In-Person Events

Join us for an in-person Breathwork Detox experience unlike any other! Check out our upcoming events below to see if we'll be in your area soon!

Connect with like-minded individuals in a safe and supportive space. Treat yourself or bring a loved one with you to this empowering experience.




"Breathwork Detox is like 20 years of therapy in one session without saying a word."

Breathwork is easier experienced than explained because every single experience will be different than your last. You're always given exactly what you need in each session.

By flooding your body with oxygen utilizing a specific breathwork technique, you will use the power of your breath to activate deep cathartic healing. You're able to tap into your unconscious mind to rewire your brain and clear out energetic blockages full of trapped emotions and limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck and small.

You will notice an immediate shift after just one session!

And if you go into your experience with an open heart and an open mind, you could have one of the most profound experiences that will change your life!

These community breathwork events are a safe, sacred space for you to release and heal with like-minded people all over the world (virtual) or locally (in-person) in you area!

We can’t wait to connect with you at our next event!


Lindsey Walker is a Women’s Empowerment Coach, Breathwork Detox teacher, and founder of Soul Fam Wellness, a company that provides women with the hope and clarity needed to overcome their greatest health and life challenges.

Lindsey built this company because of her own dramatic health journey. Shortly after becoming a software developer for a fortune 500 company, she began to experience a cascade of health issues including breathing issues, digestive issues, headaches, chronic fatigue, and panic attacks. Functional doctors and holistic supplements gave little relief and thus she dove deep into various healing modalities, emotional release techniques, and health practices. She found her purpose and now empowers other female entrepreneurs, healers, energy workers, and corporate baddies to do the same.


"I would recommend this to anyone who has suppressed emotions that need releasing."

Jared W. - Author

"This was hands down THE BEST breathwork session I've ever experienced!"

two private group attendees

"Lindsey did a great job leading the breathwork session. I also enjoyed the guided meditation after the breathing. Will definitely do this again with her."

Lisa - Intuitive Stone Medicine Healer

"Absolutely speechless! Breathwork Detox has changed my life and I highly recommend anyone who wants to take their life to the next level to try it for themselves"

Brett Lockett - Entrepreneur & Former New England Patriots Football Player



If you desire to...

  • Feel light and free in your mind because your overwhelming thoughts are no longer consuming your daily life
  • Experience a weight lifted off your shoulders and your body as you let go of past energy and emotions that have been holding you back in life
  • Make space in your body for your dreams to manifest into your life now that you've let go of all that stagnant energy
  • Experience extreme clarity in your mind to bring forth your next steps with ease because your brain is no longer cluttered with overwhelming thoughts and limiting beliefs that have clouded your confidence
  • Heal yourself with the power of your breath surrounded by a high-vibe community in a safe, sacred space

If you said YES to at least one of these things, Breathwork Detox is for you!

Join our next virtual or in-person event to experience the breathwork magik for yourself!


~ Upcoming in-person events ~



$55 non-members

  • Breathwork Detox AND Sound Healing
  • Saturday, September 7th at 2:30 - 4:30pm
  • At TruFusion SATX
  • Guided group breathwork, meditation, and sound bath
Register HERE!



I am not a doctor and the information on this page is not meant to be interpreted as medical advice. If you have any concerns, please seek guidance from a medical professional.